What we offer

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Customized trainings and support for your specific needs.

We help you to develop your improvement projects.
Welcome to the Six Sigma Homepage

Six Sigma is a systematic approach to improve processes and results in a continuous and sustainable way. Based on a comprehensive set of tools and methods you will accomplish your goals in a structured approach supported by mathematical facts. We would like to introduce ourselves as experienced consultants. Our experience and knowledge on Six Sigma methodology and its practical application solving complex problems in a wide range of industries are at your service. Whether to increase your capability or to deploy an improvement culture in your organization. Discover our web site and get an idea of our services.
About us
We are a service and consultancy company focused on assisting organizations on their improvement processes by training, mentoring and supporting to enable their capabilities. We are a team of consultants with over 20 years of practical experience teaching, mentoring and managing projects in Six Sigma and Lean Management fields. Our mission is to enable and assist you to accomplish your goals.

"Intensiv und lehrreich, mit kleinen Gruppen und kompetenten Coaches – nur zu empfehlen.“ - Veranstaltung: Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Marc SmithBilfinger Shared Services GmbH 
„Komplexe Sachverhalte wurden einfach und gut erklärt. Ich habe viel gelernt.“ – Veranstaltung: Design of Experiments Online
Ludwig FreterFRÄNKISCHE ROHRWERKE Geb. Kirchner GmbH & Co. KG 
"Endlich kann ich in der gleichen Fachsprache sprechen wie unsere Kunden!" - Veranstaltung: Six Sigma Green Belt
Dr.-Ing. Verena Voss ASYS Automatic Systems GmbH & Co. KG 
„Viele hilfreiche Informationen, anschaulich und praxisnah vermittelt.“ - Veranstaltung: Lean Management Basics
Jasmin ItterSolupharm Pharmazeutische Erzeugnisse GmbH 
„Ein sehr, sehr hilfreiches Training, ein toller Trainer und so viel Wissen, dass ich sehr gut nutzen kann.“ - Veranstaltung: Six Sigma Green Belt
Dr. Christian EweringThermo Fisher Diagnostics GmbH 
„Gut erklärte Anfängereinführung in MINITAB, auch ohne Green Belt Wissen. – Veranstaltung: MINITAB Grundlagen Online
Melanie RiedlOrnua Deutschland GmbH 
„Sehr praxisnahes und kompetentes Training.“ – Veranstaltung: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Online
Torsten HerchenhahnUponor GmbH 
"Gutes Training für den ersten Einblick in das Thema." - Veranstaltung: Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Sophie SchmiemannLaubinger + Rickmann GmbH & Co. KG