Welcome to the Six Sigma Homepage

Six Sigma is a systematic approach to improve processes and results in a continuous and sustainable way. Based on a comprehensive set of tools and methods you will accomplish your goals in a structured approach supported by mathematical facts. We would like to introduce ourselves as experienced consultants. Our experience and knowledge on Six Sigma methodology and its practical application solving complex problems in a wide range of industries are at your service. Whether to increase your capability or to deploy an improvement culture in your organization. Discover our web site and get an idea of our services.

About us

We are a service and consultancy company focused on assisting organizations on their improvement processes by training, mentoring and supporting to enable their capabilities. We are a team of consultants with over 20 years of practical experience teaching, mentoring and managing projects in Six Sigma and Lean Management fields. Our mission is to enable and assist you to accomplish your goals.

Kommende Ausbildungen

Lean Management Basics

20.09.2021 - 21.09.2021, München

5S Methode Basics

20.09.2021, Hagen

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

22.09.2021 - 23.09.2021, München

Nur noch wenige Plätze!​

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
18.10.2021 - 21.10.2021, Dortmund


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Case studies

Step into examples of successful process optimization.

Tools & templates

Find everything to implement aim-oriented improvement projects.


Six Sigma Pocket Guide - Tools for process improvement.

Find here our customers` testimonials